Terra Txn 960 Manual Arts

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Terra Txn 960 ManualTerra Txn 960

Sam Mitchell's cross-country flight. The Mite and I This flight report by Vernon S.

('Sam') Mitchell of Redmond, WA in 1990 was submitted to Tony Terrigno, who at the time was editor of the WAMM newsletter. It tells of Sam's flight from St. Louis to Seattle. We don't know where Sam is now, and we don't have his permission to publish this, but it's so well done we're going to take a chance that he won't mind. Speakercraft Ez Tools Software Download there. * * * For many years two dreams hovered in the back of my mind, often obscured by responsibilities or the stubborn fact that I could not afford either one. One was to own a Mooney Mite; the other, to go on a long cross-country flight, alone. Both were fulfilled this year, 1990.

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In January I bought N4187, a Mite built in 1956, serial number 352--sixth from the last Mite built before production ceased. It had the larger cockpit characteristic of the later Mites, and was powered by a 65 horsepower Continental A-65 engine. In June I moved from St. Louis, Missouri to Seattle, Washington to accept a new engineering job at Boeing. How should I move the Mite to Washington? Fly it, of course! Because I had difficulty locating a hanger for the airplane, it was early August before I could make the trip.

Sox Iso 27001 Mapping A Drive. The Narco Escort 110 radio that came with the Mite was desperately in need of an overhaul, and obsolete besides, so I called ahead and had Potosi Aviation, a maintenance and rebuild business on Creve Coeur Airport, where the Mite was based, install a new Terra TXN-960 digital navcom in the airplane. Jim and Marijo Blair, friends from our St.

Louis church, had graciously offered to provide lodging and transportation for me while I was preparing the Mite for the trip. Wonderful people! I spent a day and a half fixing a fuel tank leak, installing a new carburetor float and new spark plugs, pumping tires and lubricating the hinges and linkages. On Thursday night, August 9th, after a short test flight, I concluded that the Mite was ready to travel. I didn't sleep much that night--too excited! * * * The mechanic stood with legs braced, the side of his thigh touching the wing's leading edge to keep the tiny plane from rolling forward. I stood behind the engine, with my left hand on the canopy rail.

With my right hand I swung the polished maple propeller blade quickly downward and was rewarded with a sharp bark from the Mite's exhaust, and. A blast of wind. I stepped up onto the wing and climbed, carefully into the Mite's only seat. I mouthed the words 'Thank you!' To the mechanic, knowing he couldn't hear me over the noise of the little Continental. He nodded his acknowledgment and walked over to stand with Marijo, who had brought me to the airport.

Oil pressure was fine. I placed the radio headset over my ears, and the noise of the engine quieted to a muted rumble. I set the altimeter to field altitude and placed the WAC chart in my lap, folded to show the first leg of the trip. Guess I'm ready. I am actually going to do this! I released the brakes, and the Mite moved easily across the ramp and.

Onto the taxiway. The windsock was limp. A Super Cub had Just taken off from runway one six, so I decided to do the same. We paused beside the runway, and I ran the engine up to 1400 RPM for a magneto check.